Have you ever got stuck in a situation in which you know what to do, you know what you want to do, but you can’t seem to do it?

Think about the life decisions that you have to forgo because you hesitated or you were afraid, or maybe let’s admit it, you were waiting ’til that push or motivation kicks in?

A motivational speaker Mel Robbins once said “Motivation is garbage, you’ll never going to feel like it.”

We are engrossed with the idea that we have to always be motivated in order for us to do something. There has to be a sign, a chug, or a boost for us to start doing. But the truth is, the more we think about being motivated, or wanting to be motivated, the less motivated we become. We believe in this falsehood that at some point in our life, we are going to have a courage to be motivated. So WE WAIT, WE IDLE, and WE HESITATE because we are so busy waiting for the right time. The truth is, you’ll never going to get anywhere until you start your first step.

This is why I came with the idea of putting meaning in the word F-O-R-G-O by creating an acronym with tips in it. By definition, forgo means letting go of enjoyment, or to go without something. My definition of forgo is to refrain, resist, and renounce the things that hold you back and just start doing something. Whether you’re on your start up, you want to join a company, you want to launch an idea, or maybe even joining America’s Next Top Model, I hope that these tips will somehow help you.



A famous author once said, “There’s a difference between living and just surviving. Do something you love, and find someone to love who loves that you love what you do.
It is really that simple. And that hard.

When I was a kid, I thought I was invincible. I thought I could do all I could ever dreamed of doing because the young soul in me thought that, everything is possible, there is no such thing as I can’t.


I had it all planned out, I will become a doctor and I would be able to treat diseases and help the sick.  Few years later, my dream shifted, being a doctor was too big for me, so I’ll just be a nurse instead. But that also didn’t last, I have found a new calling. It was 4th grade when my love for literature and writing grew.  I’ve joined numerous speech contests, poetry recitals, even journalism wherein I was in charged to write featured articles for the school newspaper. It was a wonderful feeling that had lasted ’til high school. I would spend my days writing journals, short stories, and writing reflection papers about a certain topic made me excited. I even joined a public speaking contest.

But as the end of my high school year grew near, we had faced the moment of truth where we would pick a college degree. There is no such thing on the list of choices, or the choices  that have been given to me where I could write poetry, and explore the depths of literature. They said, it just wasn’t the type of career that will land you a good job in the future. But what is future, why do we always judge the unknown place, have not yet occurred time?

That was the very first time where I’ve felt lost and not in control of my life. My dad told me to pick Information Technology since it’s a demanding career. So I’ve picked it and made up my mind that I will have that degree and maybe writing could wait. College entrance exams came in and I’ve failed the exam of IT on the prestigious University I wanted to study in, so I was offered another choice. The courses left to take were, Business Administration, Engineering, Hotel & Hospitality Management, and Nursing. My once wide choices were narrowed down into just four. I have debated to just choose another school, but this was the only school that time that has a guaranteed full scholarship. I’ve picked Business Administration, but few hours later after I have chosen that course, I’ve informed the registrar that I wanted to change it to Hotel & Hospitality Management. I hated myself for being inconsistent, I just didn’t know what I was doing. I went on with my gut feeling.

In the middle of my college year, I decided I wanted to be a Flight Attendant. It was a pretty cool job with a decent salary and moreover, I could travel the world. Being in a hospitality industry course is a ticket to that newly found dream.

Four years later, I have graduated a Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel & Hospitality Management. For four years, I have fooled myself that this was were I truly belong. I know it’s stupid but I was just afraid to take risks of wavering again on the last minute. I could either work on the airline industry or hotel industry. That’s where my goal was headed.

I’ve failed on flight attendant interviews, even airport ground staff. So I gave up on that dream also. I have pursued jobs in a hotel and few months after graduation, I have landed a job.

Fast forward to present day, I’m on my verge of resigning. I wasn’t happy with my job, I feel like I don’t belong here. Waking up each day is a struggle because it’s another day where I would do what I don’t like. The once confident version of myself slowly become the opposite. I like people but I hate being around them for a long period of time. It gets awkward. I stutter a lot these days, and even took a break from blogging just to focus on this career. But none of it was working.

I’ve realized that I was missing out a lot of good things because I was so focused on doing what I don’t like.

Then I’ve been told that “Instead of looking where you truly belong, why not find something you think you will like and enjoy doing and just do it.

I sat down and reflected. He was right. I was finding myself in the wrong places. If I focus on what I like, maybe things won’t be so difficult at all. The dreams we had set aside, maybe it’s time to pick them up again. I guess it’s never too late to start on something you truly like.

Writing is always what I wanted to do, so I will continue writing and writing. I may never be a published author but that’s okay, as long as I still write.  I will write ’til I improve. I will write ’til I find my voice again. I will write about the things I love, for the people I love, and for the people who might be on the same page as I am. I will write ’til I find my voice again.

Maybe, I really won’t fit in anywhere. Maybe nobody ever does.  Maybe we are a wandering free soul with a wide imagination. Once we find what we truly dreamed of, never let that go, hold on to it and be the best in it. Nothing comes easy, everything takes time.

Go back to the version of yourself where you believed that everything is possible. Because it really still is. It’s a matter of how you look at things in a bigger picture. Not everyone has a mentor who will guide them the way. Even if you have, in the end, it’s all up to you.


So many people will tell you ”no”, and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them ”watch me”. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn.” – CE



xoxo, Cheena Louisse



This is my first time to be nominated or tagged in any posts here in wordpress. I just started my blog few weeks ago and I am quite new to everything. And my blog is not yet fully designed and arranged because I’m still having exams and projects at school. And I haven’t explored the blogging world yet. I am still sorting out what to put in my blog to make it exactly how I want it to be. But I do sneak in from time to time to update and try post reviews. I used to just write in my diary and post reviews on goodreads. And I never thought that blogging could be this exciting! 😀

I’m really happy when Watcher Books nominated me for The Liebster Award. This really brought joy to new book bloggers like me. So let’s start.

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give them 11 questions of your own

The Questions Given to me:

1. Favourite book and why?

  • Pretty hard question ‘cuz I have favorite books in different genre but ahhh okay Let me try. *ahem* if I were to choose my favorite book, I would choose Angelfall By Susan Ee because it’s fast-paced and with gripping story line. This made me love the stories about Angels or Fallen Angels and the characters on this book are pretty interesting. Especially Penryn, she can really kick some ass. The chemistry between Penryn and Raffe in this story is undeniably swoon-worthy and sweet.

2. If you could be one character from any book who would it be?

  • I would love to be June Iparis from The Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu. She doesn’t have super powers but she’s really inquisitive, bad ass and smart.

3. If you could live in any book world where would it be?

  • I would love to live in the fantasy world of The Grisha Trilogy created by Leigh Bardugo which is in Ravka that’s modeled through a tsarist Russian world.

4. Favourite book to movie combo?

  • Who wouldn’t love Harry Potter! It’s my childhood and it’s really an amazing journey (both books and movies) *WINGADIUM LEVIOSA!!!*

5. Most read author?

  • I’ve been reading a lot of Colleen Hoover’s works these days (if I’m not reading fantasy novels)

6. Random fact about you!


7. Why did you start your blog?

  • I want to connect with the bookish community because I simply love reading books and making reviews about it. I want to be able to express myself though my reviews and build friendship with my fellow bookworms. ‘Cuz you know, it’s hard to stay silent after you’ve read a great book and of course you want to talk about it all day and unleash all your “feels” to overcome your post-book depression. Also through here, I can help to raise awareness over a really “good-to-read” books out there. And it’s my life- long dream to be a professional author one day. But to be able to become a good writer, you must become a good reader first. 🙂

8. Most anticipated book coming out 2016 that you MUST read?

  • There’s a lot to anticipate this year but my most anticipated is GLASS SWORD BY THE FANTASTIC AUTHOR VICTORIA AVEYARD 😀

9. What book do you want everyone to read if they haven’t?

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

10. Least favourite book that you finished?

  • (This might become an unpopular opinion but…) The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey.

11. Favourite quote from any character or book?

  • I LOVE YOU, ‘THORNS AND ALL’.” ~ Tamlin, A Court of Thorns and Roses



The Writing Hufflepuff

The Booklandia

Princessica of Books

52 Letters in The Alphabet

Josie’s Book Corner

The Bookish Girl

Endlessly Reading


Miss Used Books

The Bookie Monster

Questions for the Nominees: 

  1. Who is your favorite villain in a book you’ve read?
  2. Which scene in a book really made you cry and why?
  3. What factors make you decide to read or pick a certain book to read?
  4. How many TBR books you have right now?
  5. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  6. What’s your favorite movie adaptation of a book?
  7. What is your most favorite series and name your favorite character in that series
  8. Name your favorite top 5 authors.
  9. What other stuff you like to do aside from reading?
  10. Which book has your most favorite cover? And are you guilty of sometimes buying a book because it has a beautiful cover? If yes, what book is it?
  11. What books do you want to have a cross-over and which world would it be? (Like the characters in a particular book meets the characters of another book in a certain world.)